If you hadn't heard, Delaware’s Do More 24 fundraiser is happening this week—and its a great time to support YES!!
When? From March 6th at 6 pm through 6 pm on March 7th
Why? To support Plastic Free Delaware's premier statewide educational program, the YES! summit
The 6th annual 2025 YES! Delaware Youth Environmental Summit reached more than 670 students who attended, along with more than 75 teachers/educators. They were exposed to 5 keynote speakers, 28 breakout workshops with more than 65 speakers or panelists, and more than 55 nonprofit/agency/corporate exhibitors. YES! inspires and informs Delaware's high school students to know more about sustainability and encourages them to get involved in environmental issues and projects at their schools and in their communities, while thinking globally, too! YES! is always FREE to all attendees thanks to our community support!
What is DoMore24?
DoMore24 is a 24-hour giving campaign that brings Delawareans together to support local nonprofits. From 6 PM on March 6th to 6 PM on March 7th, people across the state come together to raise funds for the causes they care about.
By participating, you’re not just donating - you're helping inspire and inform Delaware's young leaders. Your gift will support environmental education, train the next generation on climate action, and educate Delaware's youth for a brighter future.
Add your support to the student's GoFundMe campaign to support speaker travel & honorariums, and earth-friendly meals for all attendees at the summit!
Dear Prospective Partners:
On behalf of Youth from across the First State, we thank you for your interest in supporting the sixth annual Delaware Youth Environmental Summit in 2025. Sponsors are essential partners in ensuring that the Summit is free and accessible to any interested Delaware high school student and their teachers. In 2023 and 2024, more than 500 Delaware high school students and their teacher-advisors representing more than 33 public and private high schools from across Delaware participated in the Summit which featured keynote speakers, panel workshops, educational exhibits, and informal learning opportunities. Each year a student leadership team is responsible for all aspects of organizing the Summit.
We are thrilled to announce that plans are well underway for the next YES! Summit scheduled for Friday, February 28, 2025. And, we are excited to announce that the 2025 YES! will be held at the Chase Center in Wilmington which will allow even more students and teachers to attend! With the exception of our 100% virtual summit in 2021, every year YES! has been over capacity and the Chase Center will allow YES! to continue to grow and meet the demand of interested students.
The Summit aims to be educational and inspirational, fostering and encouraging Delaware’s youth to take leadership roles on environmental issues, in Delaware, the United States, and globally - wherever their lives might take them. Time is spent developing school action plans for students to bring about a growing network of certified green schools across the state, to save energy, reduce waste, and improve our health. We want to encourage their leadership as advocates on a wide range of environmental issues, from climate change, social justice, tackling plastic pollution and fostering a culture of zero waste. A hybrid model now allows us to have an in-person learning environment while bringing in speakers from across the globe.
The 2025 Summit will again feature keynote speakers and panel discussions, advocacy training, and lots of dialog!
Key organizers include representatives from Plastic Free Delaware (aka Zero Waste First State), Green Building United, the Sierra Club Delaware Chapter, the Charter School of Wilmington, Newark Charter School, and student leaders representing high schools from across the state.
We invite your participation in the 2025 Youth Summit through becoming a partnering sponsor. Sponsors will be recognized with logo placement on advance materials, in media promotions, social media and web site placements, and event swag being provided to attendees (reusable bags, event t-shirts). Sponsorships ensure the event continues to be free to all interested students, covering all costs associated with the event, including the facility rental, food & beverages, honorariums and speaker fees, software and technological needs, web site costs and event management, and swag for the students including reusable bags, water bottles, and participant t-shirts.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you in advance for your support of the sixth annual statewide Youth Environmental Summit! We look forward to seeing you February 28, 2025!
Your support will enable us to reach more students from across Delaware and put together an amazing Summit for students, teachers, and many others. After all, aren't we all stakeholders in the Earth's future?
YES! Sponsors will have their logo on all print materials as well as social media, web site and electronic communications regarding YES! Sponsors are welcome to exhibit at the event and attend to hear or speakers and panelists.
Sponsorships ensure that YES! is free for students from across the state, from home schoolers to independent schools to public schools.
Yes! count us in as a Sponsor of the 2023 YES! Summit
to be held Friday, February 28, 2025
at the following level:
❑ TRIBUTARY SPONSOR $125 (base level for exhibitors, includes table, 2 chairs, all food/beverages for two personnel for the day)
Print form and return with check to:
Plastic Free Delaware (EIN #85-2916447)
404 Snuff Mill Road, Wilmington, DE 19807
Memo: 2025 Delaware Environmental Youth Summit
Sponsorship Invitation for 2025 YES! (pdf)
DownloadCopyright © 2025 YES! Delaware Youth Environmental Summit - All Rights Reserved.
YES! is a Program of plastic free delaware to provide Delaware's youth WITH information, skills, and tools to make a GREATER difference
Plastic free delaware is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN #85-2916447
Non-discrimination Statement:
Plastic Free Delaware does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.
Our GoFundMe campaign is just one way of ensuring we can cover all of the summit's costs including the venue, AV, breakfast, lunch and transportation. Won't you please join us in making it possible for even more schools and students in 2025? Please join other generous donors and sponsors to inspire and empower Delaware's future environmental leaders through their GoFundMe Campaign.
Donate now at our GoFundMe page! Together, we can make the 2025 YES! Summit our biggest and most impactful year yet!
Thank you for your generosity and support of this impactful event!