Mark Your Calendar! Friday February 28, 2025
Get Inspired - Informed - Engaged - Empowered
Get Inspired - Informed - Engaged - Empowered
Mark your calendars and register now!
YES! is a statewide summit for all Delaware high school students with an interest in protecting our Earth. This includes high school students who are residents of Delaware but may attend outside of Delaware, or any student of a Delaware high school (whether public, parochial or private) or home school in Delaware. The inaugural YES! was held in 2020 in Dover. Planning is now underway for the sixth annual event to be held on Friday, February 28, 2025.
YES! is a wide collaborative partnership of Delaware nonprofit organizations, educators, agencies, businesses, and students who want to make a difference by engaging Delaware's youth in issues and advocacy on environmental issues.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make the student leadership team organize the summit. And, student leaders can apply each spring to be on the following year's planning team. The summit itself is open to all Delaware high school students at no cost. We're excited to have you join us!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading awareness of the summit, thank you. We couldn't make YES! a reality without the help of supporters like you.
Stephanie Trainer, Charter School of Wilmington
Sherri Evans-Stanton, Sierra Club Delaware (retired)
Stacy Bartkowski, Newark Charter School
Karen Igou, Green Building United
Tami Lunsford, Newark Charter School
Marissa McClenton, Sierra Club Delaware Chapter
Erica Miller, MOT (Middletown Townsend Odessa) Charter School
Dee Durham, Plastic Free Delaware/Zero Waste First State
Elisa King, Plastic Free Delaware/Zero Waste First State
YES! has been made possible in part by Delaware Humanities
and the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom
Copyright © 2025 YES! Delaware Youth Environmental Summit - All Rights Reserved.
YES! is a Program of plastic free delaware to provide Delaware's youth WITH information, skills, and tools to make a GREATER difference
Plastic free delaware is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN #85-2916447
Our GoFundMe campaign is just one way of ensuring we can cover all of the summit's costs including the venue, AV, breakfast, lunch and transportation. Won't you please join us in making it possible for even more schools and students in 2025? Please join other generous donors and sponsors to inspire and empower Delaware's future environmental leaders through their GoFundMe Campaign.
Donate now at our GoFundMe page! Together, we can make the 2025 YES! Summit our biggest and most impactful year yet!
Thank you for your generosity and support of this impactful event!